

вторник, 15 ноября 2011 г.

My Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 modification

© Copyright by PapaZorro

Several years ago Vepr-12 Molot (VPO205) made by VYATSKIEPOLYANY MACHINE BULDING PLANT (Molot) was bought due to better quality then IZHMASH production. IMHO Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 is better then Saiga-12K-030 that I was wanted to buy.

The "Vepr-12 Molot" shotgun is made on the basis of the Kalashnikov light machine-gun (RPK), produced for the shells of 12/76 gauge and Saiga-12-030 made on the basis of the Kalashnikov AKM. "Vepr-12 Molot" (VPO-205, 430 mm barrel) is a multi-purpose semi-auto shotgun, from other versions of Vepr-12 it differs with an available detachable flame arrester installed on the barrel muzzle part and with a mechanism blocking the trigger and eliminating from the possibility of shooting, when the stock is folded up.

First I bought and installed Polygon Muzzle brake and Burris FastFireII to my Vepr-12. The muzzle brake was improve a little bit like it was made on Vsevolod Ilyns Polygon Muzzle brake.

Pictures of Standart Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 with Modifided Polygon Muzzle Brake

Standart Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 in Action
Standart Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 in Action
Standart Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 in Action

Pic of Modifided Polygon Muzzle Brake

Modifided Polygon Muzzle Brake
Modifided Polygon Muzzle Brake

Secondly I decided to remove Original (Molot) stock and bough & installed Folding Stock Adapter (compatible with MilspecAR15 stock) made by Molot . Then was installed DPMS 6-Position Carbine Buffer TubeMagpul CTR Carbine Stock & Magpul Enhanced Rubber Buttpad. Bolt & Bolt carrier details, as well as, Trigger Group and Bolt Rails ware polished.

Picture of polished Vepr-12 Bolt Carrier Rails

Polished Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 Bolt carrier Rails

Then Original Trigger Group was replaced by RSA Adjustable AK Trigger System for Saiga 12/20 Gauge from Power Custom. After trigger adjustments were made, Safety was Adjusted For Proper Safety Engagement by Removing metal from the Safety.

Pictures of Adjusted Molot Safety

Adjusted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 Safety
Adjusted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 Safety
Adjusted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 Safety
Adjusted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 Safety

Pictures of polished Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group

Polished Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group
Polished Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group
Polished Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group
Polished Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group
Polished Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group

Also Original (Molot) pistol grip was replaced by Hogue AK-47 / AK-74 Rubber Grip with Finger Grooves & Original (Vepr-12 Molot) Lower Hand-guard Rail System was replaced by Molot RPK Hand-guard without Picatinny M1913. Then Original (Molot) magazine release was replaced by RAM Saiga 12 Extended magazine release. In addition for Burris FastFireII was bought & installed  Burris FastFireII Picatinny Protector.

E-Tac TwisterPuck (Standard) from GoGun USA Gas Piston was modified to fit Vepr-12.

Pictures of Molot Vepr-12 & GoGun USA Twister Puck

Molot Vepr-12 & Twister Puck
Molot Vepr-12 & Twister Puck

Later I decided to paint my Vepr-12 by Duracoat. Original paint was removed (by 98% Alcohol & brass brush). The polished rails before painting was covered by Tamya masking tape. Shotgun was painted by Duracoat Flat Black for the base color first.

Pictures of prepared Vepr-12 for painting 
by Duracoat Ultra Flat Tactical Extreme Gray
Prepared Vepr-12 for painting Duracoat Ultra Flat Tactical Extreme Gray
Prepared Vepr-12 for painting Duracoat Ultra Flat Tactical Extreme Gray

Prepared Vepr-12 for painting Duracoat Ultra Flat Tactical Extreme Gray

After drying the shotguns Internals ware painted two Duracoat colors: Flat Black + Ultra Flat Tactical Extreme Gray and was covered by masking tape.

Pictures of 
Duracoat painted Vepr-12 Bolt carrier details

Duracoat Painted Vepr-12 Bolt carrier
Duracoat Painted Vepr-12 Bolt carrier
Duracoat Painted Vepr-12 Bolt carrier
Duracoat Painted Vepr-12 Bolt carrier & Polished Bolt
Duracoat Painted Vepr-12 Bolt carrier & Polished Bolt
Duracoat Painted Vepr-12 Bolt carrier & Polished Bolt
 Pictures of Duracoat painted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group

Duracoat Painted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group

Duracoat Painted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group

Duracoat Painted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RSA Trigger Group

Pictures of Duracoat painted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RAM magazine release

Duracoat Painted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RAM magazine release
Duracoat Painted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 & RAM magazine release
Pictures of Duracoat Painted Adjusted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 Safety

Painted Adjusted Molot Vepr-12 VPO-205 Safety

Then Shotgun was painted by Duracoat Ultra Flat Tactical Extreme Gray and some parts was painted by Duracoat Ultra Flat Tactical Black , 8-round magazine was painted EOTch FlatDark Earth, 4-round magazine was painted UltraFlat Tactical Black.

Pictures of drying 
Duracoat Grey tactical color paint

Duracoat Painting Grey tactical color paint

Duracoat Drying Grey tactical color paint
Duracoat Drying Grey tactical color paint
Duracoat Drying Grey tactical color paint

I changed my Modified Polygon Muzzle brake to Guns Tuning Laboratories Muzzle Brake PSH-2 and painted it by Duracoat Ultra Flat Tactical Black .

Pictures of 
Duracoat painted Vepr-12 Muzzle attachments (Molot Flash hider & PSH-2 Muzzle brake)

Duracoat Painted Vepr-12 Muzzle attachments (Molot Flash hider & PSH-2 Muzzle brake)
Duracoat Painted Vepr-12 Muzzle attachments (Molot Flash hider & PSH-2 Muzzle brake)
Painted PSH-2 Muzzle brake by Duracoat Flat Black & White.

Pictures of Duracoat painted Vepr-12 details

Duracoat Tactical colors painted Vepr-12 details
Duracoat Tactical colors painted Vepr-12 details
Duracoat Tactical colors painted Vepr-12 details
Duracoat Tactical color painted stock
Original & Duracoat Tactical color painted stock
After drying for 4 weeks the Vepr-12 was assembled. The tactical colors was look super!

Pictures of the fresh painted Vepr-12.

Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00
Duracoat Fresh painted Vepr-12 VPO-205-00

Later I revealed tactical colors look very super, but not practical due to ultra flat tactical surface could be easily scratch by finger nail and be stained by oiled fingers. Accordantly to foregoing bug, I decided to lubricate all the tactical colors surfaces by Break-Free CLP oil to make the surface oil stainless.

At present I don't use E-tac Twister puck - because, IMHO, it the useless stuff! I bought it as I believed to GoGun USA advertise that their 
E-Tac Twister puck cleans gas tube much better then the Original puck. I had to modified it to fit Vepr-12 due to Saiga have a little different bolt carrier and puck without hole inside.

When all was done, I tested GoGun twister puck - and found that it is worth then standard Molot puck. I sent it to Molot plant for test and Molot guys said that this twister puck doesn't have any advantages to standard - only disadvantages. Now I have useless custom E-Tac Twister puck from GoGun USA for Vepr-12. 

I ordered short Sport Molot puck + short recoil spring that make stabale work with 28 g. cartridges.

Pictures of Short & Standard Molot Vepr-12 Pucks & Recoil springs 

Molot Vepr-12 Pucks: Standart, Short, Twisted

Molot Vepr-12 Pucks: Standart, Short, Twisted

Vepr-12 Recoil springs (Short and Standart) and Puks (Short and Standart
Vepr-12 Recoil, Recoil springs (Short and Standart) and Puks (Short and Standart)

In addition I changed my Guns Tuning Laboratories Muzzle Brake PSH-2 to Muzzle Brake GK-01 designed by IPSC shooter Mr.Vselolod Ilyn and made by VYATSKIEPOLYANY MACHINE BULDING PLANT(Molot). Plus I installed Magpul Magazine AssistCrossTac Ambi Sling Connector (ASC) for AR-15 collapsible stock & Modified left Safety (without selector).

Pics of lubricated Vepr-12 after more then one year after Duracoat painting.

Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting

Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting in Action
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting in Action
Vepr-12 VPO-205-00 after more then one year after Duracoat painting in Action

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